Fix for Weak Hair

Too much stress can wreak havoc with the protein our body relies upon to form healthy hair, prompting follicles to pump out strands that break easily. The B vitamin biotin can boost cell growth and strengthen hair from within. According to experts, you can protect hair by taking three milligrams in a supplement daily. You may also add more protein to your diet, eat the equivalent of 2 chicken breasts daily. Our hair is made entirely of protein and increasing intake will replenish shafts.

Thank You Marzie!!!


Mariuca said...


Mariuca said...

YAY!! it's me Liza ha ha ha!

Mariuca said...

Thank you for the tip sweetie, am under a lot of stress now from all the chopping and blogging ha ha! :)

Kristin said...

I had no idea that hair was all protein, LOL...Learn something new everyday! :D

Melissa said...

I just gave you an award on my blog.

Eduardo said...

Great info!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Cascia Talbert said...

Protein is great not only for your hair but for muscles and over all health. I always make sure my family gets enough protein. Make sure you choose lean protein and avoid too much dark fatty meats. Lean protein is any form of white meat, seafood, nuts, seeds and soy. I grind a mixture of nuts, flax seeds, and pumpkin seeds and add it to my kids' yogurt.

Thank you for sharing this tip!

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