Free Legal Music

Hubs and the kids are going to love Kerchoonz. It's a site where you can listen, view and download FREE music and videos legally. I remember how we went crazy over Napster, we would look for hard to find songs and download them to our computer. During those times, we were only using dial-up and it didn't matter even if our downloads took forever. But because it was operating illegally, Napster had to go, so many people were disappointed when the site shut down.

With Kerchoonz, we don't have to worry about that. It's free and it's legal! Kerchoonz the show will be broadcast all over the internet as a 30 minute piece of history and this time it's open to all. The first one was an "invite only" audience in Glasgow. All you need to do is sign up if you want to take part of Kerchoonz Live #2.

We're all looking forward to this and we can't wait to try their new features. Just imagine having live music on your header, yes, your own playlist, isn't that fun? And the best thing is, your music follows you wherever you go. You wanna go bloghopping and drop your entrecard? Go ahead, your music goes uninterrupted as you change pages! And for my Music Monday meme, I now have other sources than youtube. Kwidgets will allow me to post songs, videos, pictures, blogs and many more with a direct link back on my profile. I could go on and on talking about Kerchoonz but I think it would be best to check it out yourself. Don't just sit there, click on the link now.

1 comment:

Max Coutinho said...

Hi again,

I had never heard of this link before! I will try it, because not all my readers can watch videos on Youtube (as you know, it is banned in some countries): so, thank you for another great tip, girl :D!

I will talk to you later (via a different channel)! :D


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