Seaweed, another jewel from the sea

Not many of us like the smell and taste of seaweed, but I hope this news will have you looking at seaweed in a different light. Recent research shows we should eat it more often if we want to delay the signs of aging. That's because it's the only substance on earth that has the same mineral ratio as human blood plasma. The characteristic makes the seaweed easily absorbable through the - as long as it's broken down into tiny, micronized particles. Their study shows that the minerals and vitamins in seaweed extracts can slow down the signs of aging.

They also found out that seaweed extracts can pull some toxins and heavy metals out of the body and its slime produces an emollient effect, adding moisture to skin and hair. It's a very rich source of skin-fortifying omega 3 and can also boost iodine levels, which may help prevent the thin, dry skin and hair loss associated with iodine-related hypothyroidism.

You may opt to take supplements or enjoy the yummy seaweed wraps (mmm.... sushi!) or sprinkle kelp or dulse flakes, spiked with garlic or onion powder, on any dish in place of salt.


reg said...

I am a huge fan of sea weed in many ways. I lived in Nova Scotia for many years and there it is a treasure. We understand the value of it. I personally love it in salad

Mariuca said...

I love anything seaweed, so yum!

webbloggirl said...

my sister love to eat seaweeds...can't find some here in our place..

nancy said...

love it in california roll! hmm, na miss ko na tuloy -:D

acs said...

I love the seaweed especially if you are making sushi. But I prefer it with rice mixed with olive oil and sesame inside it.

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