Michelle's Long and Beautiful Hair

Michelle loves to do everything with her hair.  She had always worn it long and would only come to the salon for a trim to keep them healthy.  She loved playing with different hairstyles and no matter how scorching hot the weather gets, Michelle will never ever cut her hair.  It's a kind of security blanket to her and it's her beautiful hair that gives her much confidence.

Michelle knows what hair will go with her clothes and she is also blessed to have the hands to fix it.  She also loves to play with colors, but her love for colored hair made her suffer one time.  A week before the wedding of another cousin, Michelle dyed her hair red.  Her hair turned red just the way she liked it but her hair became brittle and they started falling off.  Before the condition got worse, she headed to the salon to get a hair cut.  The stylist had to cut it really short.  The hair can recover faster when it's short, the stylist advised.

Michelle still attended the wedding with long hair.  She went to the beauty supply outlet and bought an Indian remy hair extension.  She was of course complimented with her beautiful hair but no one from among the guests knew that it wasn't her real hair.

Michelle is not afraid to sport a short hair anymore because of her hair extension; and the beauty supply outlet that also sells lace front wigs for black women, is now her favorite shop.

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