Who's There?

After installing a door phone for our front door, Our nest project are intercoms. I really need them as my kids and husband usually spend their time in their rooms and study. Calling them for lunch or dinner is quite a chore. A wireless intercom would just be perfect. I wouldn't have to up several flights of stairs just to tell them dinner is ready. I usually text each and everyone of them and I can be irritating at times. A push of a button is all it takes with an intercom. I do get tired from doing chores and I need a little respite after doing them.

I also want an outside intercom for our gate. It's a hassle to peer through the window or even go out to see who's at the gate. With an intercom, I could easily ask who is outside. It's also a good security measure. I've discussed these issues with my husband and he promised he'd take care of it as soon as possible. The last thing I want to experience is a robbery. This is why we have an electronic lock for the gate and a good alarm system for the house. I'm alone most of the time and I just want to feel secured.

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