The Accidental Acne Fix – A Clear Solution to Acne

Problems with acne during my menopausal years caused me to find a solution to it. I chanced upon and what I read encouraged me to try its recommended regimen. I had a problem with acne during my college years and my mother brought me to an expensive dermatologist who did help me through it. My mother paid for the entire treatment so a dermatologist at that time seemed to be the best solution. But I was no longer willing to go to a dermatologist during my menopausal years because I could not afford the expense. So money was definitely another factor in determining why I tried the regimen as well.

What I liked about it, first and foremost, is that it was truthful in telling the readers that there was no quick fix for acne. It required determination and a lifestyle change, a truth that other entities who were selling their products would tell you. The different types of acne were also described which I found important because I was able to determine what particular types of acne I was suffering from. That motivated me even more in avoiding the foods that I had found to be my personal triggers in the course of my fight against this dreaded disease, if you might call it that. It also listed the foods that can help prevent acne; foods which I recognized were not part of my diet. Thus, I was encouraged to include them in my diet and I am healthier now because of that dietary change. Essentially, it did not just help me get rid of acne, it made me follow a healthier diet, too, which is an added bonus for me.

The cleansing regimen it recommended can be expensive but it was definitely worth the expense. The acne was less severe a few weeks after I started the facial cleansing regimen. In a few months, my face was almost acne free. I would still get a pimple here and there especially when I got weak and ate the foods which I should have avoided but the book had provided quick fixes which were a great help. I also loved that there were make-up tips that I still follow when I need to conceal a problem area. My daughter and son follow the regimen, too, as they break out especially during the summer. We all love the Accidental Acne Fix and we recommend it to anyone who might care to listen.

If you have problems with acne, I suggest you go to and get your copy now.

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