Tighten Skin with this Oil

Problem batwings?  Here's the good news, tightening the loose skin under your arms may be easier than we thought.  The secret ingredient is rosemary oil.  According to experts, the oil's stimulating compounds increase circulation in muscles and skin, creating a firmer appearance in just two weeks.  The essential oil also contains antioxidants (carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid) which help repair and safeguard collagen for firmer skin.

Here's how to do it:  Simply mix 3 drops of rosemary oil into your body moisturizer and massage into arms (or any area that may need toning) daily.  I've spent a lot on firming lotions but I didn't see results,  I'm definitely giving this one a try.

You can also make the oil at home.  Here's the recipe:

  • 8 sprigs of Fresh Rosemary Herb
  • 600 ml of Extra Virgin Olive Oil or any other oil
  • Sterilize a big bottle which can hold the 600 ml of olive oil.
  • Dry it completely and put in the sprigs of rosemary.
  • Pour the olive oil in the bottle over the rosemary and close the bottle tightly.
  • Allow the rosemary to infuse into the olive oil. In order to do so, keep the bottle in a sunny place for about 4 weeks.
  • Open the bottle and strain the infused oil through 3 pieces of muslin or cheesecloth.
  • Store the strained oil in another sterilized bottle.

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