The Marie-Antoinette Award

A very thoughtful friend, Ria of It's my party (and I'll cry if I want to) never forgets me when it comes to giving awards. Thank you Ria. ^-^

Here are the rules for the award:

1. Please put the logo on your blog.

2. Place a link to the person from whom you received the award.

3. Nominate at least 7 or more blogs.

4. Put links of those blogs on your blog.

5. Leave a message on their blogs to tell them.

I am sharing this with:

Adie @ Under One Roof
Marzie @ Wishing On A Falling Star
Max @ Max
Babette @ Definitely Maybe!
Carol @ A Second Cup
Sam @ Show me your interest
Seeker @ Curiously Awesome


Anonymous said...

Hello mommy Liza, thanks for thinking of me. You are one of the first bloggers I met that have been so friendly, I appreciate that a lot!
I'm wishing you and yours a happy Christmas!

Mariuca said...

Liza! Thanks so much for this lovely award and I'm sorry I'm late in coming here. My connection has been really unstable lately, it takes ages to load up everybody's blogs so I've been dropping and running, but I'm here today and YAY! I love this award! :):):)

Max Coutinho said...


Congratulations for this cute award!

Thank you so much for this award :D! I will post it as soon as possible!!



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