Choco Goodness

Go ahead and savor some chocolate, the dark kind, that is. Having an ounce a day helps regulate blood pressure and protect your heart due to its flavonols. But wait, the benefits don't stop there. Chocolate is the latest brain food! The flavonols in this yummy snack are protective substances that help improve blood flow to the brain, which could slow the mental decline that occurs as we age. However, this good news does not give you a license to indulge, remember I said "some." *wink*
I just love chocolates.. I cant resist the temptation eating this one..
But I know eating moderately could actually beneficial to our health.
Good excuse huh?
Waaah.. Im craving for chocolates too.. everytime of the day I guess I need to eat some to keep me sane the whole day.
Thanks for posting this entry.. it give me reason to indulge once in a while..
I was never a fan of dark chocolate. I am going to have to start. haha I prefer the milk chocolate.
This is good to know now I have a reason to eat chocolate bar/candy.
By the way, Thank you once again for the prayers and well wishes for my daughter, really appreciate it.
I love chocolate. When I eat, it's got to be the whole.LOL.
Belgian chocolates are the best I've ever tasted so far.
I love dark chocolate. But you have to be careful not to overdue it. A little bit of dark chocolate every once in a while is alright. I wouldn't eat it every day like you suggest though.
good thing I just had a small bar of lindt dark chocolate a while ago *smiling sheepishly*.
I love milk I can indulge freely without any guilt!
Yes, too much chocolate is bad for the body and may cause undue obesity. I also eat a little dark chocolate to maintain a normal blood pressure. Thanks for the informative post. God bless you always.
I'm glad I eat a lot of chocolates. :)
Now I have reason to eat more.
I eat almost more and more... !!
You have been tagged to save the world - See you at Empty Streets 1027 :) XOXO
I love chocolate but not the dark ones.. whatever, chocolate is chocolate.. and yeah i heard some beneficial facts about it too.. hehe..
I replied to your comment on my blog, sister!! :-)
I always suspected that chocolate was medicinal!
Hello, darling :D! Oh, I had chocolate yesterday and let me tell you that you are right: it is food for brain! And it is so bloody relaxing...
But since I am not a sweet-tooth I only eat chocolates from times to times ;).
I hope you had a terrific weekend, my darling friend! :D
Wishing you a blessed week ahead, I leave you...
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