Practical Money Saving Tips to Orlando

First time travelers to the sunshine state of Florida can be guided by some great money saving travel tips we can offer. One great idea is to visit Wal-Mart when you arrive and stock up on snacks and sunscreen. Choose sunscreen lotions instead of the spray-on type as they are less expensive and lasts longer. It is also wise to bring refillable water bottles as it can be expensive to keep on buying bottled water on your expeditions to local tourist spots and theme parks. Fill your refillable water bottles with ice so that you can keep your water chilled.  

Do pick up leaflets being offered all over Orlando. Have your kids browse through them so you can plan your itinerary for each day. Planning ahead not only saves time but can effectively cut transportation costs as you are able to research on the less expensive modes of travel as you go around Orlando’s tourist attractions. These leaflets also contain discount coupons for restaurants and smaller attractions in Orlando. Keep these coupons in your bag so they are ready for use when you suddenly decide to patronize one during your expedition. If you decide to go shopping at Millennia Mall, bear in mind that the Macy’s and Bloomingdale stores there give 11% discount to visitors so don’t forget to ask for it.

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