The Perfect Nose Job

Rhinoplasty, more commonly known as "nose job" is a surgical procedure performed to improve the function and appearance of a person's nose. Rhinoplasty surgery is usually done to meet aesthetic goals or for reconstructive purposes to correct birth defects, breathing problems or trauma.

In the entertainment industry, rhinoplasty is very prominent and one of the most well known to perform the job is beverly hills rhinoplasty. A Harvard trained surgeon, Dr. Babak Azizzadeh shares his expertise in primary and revision rhinoplasty.

For more information about rhinoplasty and how much it costs, please click on the links or call Beverly Hills 310-657-2203.

1 comment:

Nando Damázio said...

Oi, Liza !!
Eu sou o Nando, do Brasil, e cheguei ao seu blog através de um meme que você respondeu ..
Um abraço pra você !! ;-)

Hi, Liza!
I am Nando, Brazil, and came to your blog via a meme that you answered ..
A hug to you! ;-)

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